image_transformer package



image_transformer.constants module

This module defines constants for various image processors, pixel processors, and output builders used in the project.

image_transformer.image_transformer module

This module provides the ImageTransformer class, which is used to transform images using various processors and save the output.

class image_transformer.image_transformer.ImageTransformer(image_array: ndarray)[source]

Bases: object

A class used to transform images using various processors and save the output.

classmethod from_pil_image(pil_image: <module 'PIL.Image' from '/home/runner/work/image-transformer/image-transformer/.venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/PIL/'>) ImageTransformer[source]

Class method to create an ImageTransformer instance from a PIL image.


pil_image (PIL.Image) – A PIL image object.


An instance of ImageTransformer.

Return type:


steps: list[str] = ['step-1', 'step-2']
transform_and_save(image_processor: GenericGridImageProcessor, pixels_processor: GenericPixelsProcessor, output_builder: GenericOutputBuilder, callback: Callable[[str, int], None] | None = None) Any[source]

Transforms the image using the provided processors and saves the output.

  • image_processor (GenericGridImageProcessor) – An object responsible for processing the image grid.

  • pixels_processor (GenericPixelsProcessor) – An object responsible for processing the pixels.

  • output_builder (GenericOutputBuilder) – An object responsible for building the output.

  • callback (Optional[Callable[[str, int], None]]) – A callback function to report progress.


Any: The result of the output builder’s save method.

image_transformer.index module

This module provides the main entry point for the image-transformer program. It parses command-line arguments, loads an image, processes it using specified image and pixel processors, and outputs the result as an SVG file.


Main function to execute the image transformation process.

Module contents

This module initializes the image_transformer package by importing all functions and classes from the image_transformer module.